Sky, our beloved Black Labrador, went missing on 1st December 2008. We have been trying very hard to find him, and have been overwhelmed by the number of neighbours, friends and complete strangers who have been offering help and support. With so many people helping we cannot make calls in person to keep everyone up to date with the search, so this blog is our way of letting everyone know what is happening. CONTACT NUMBERS FOR US ARE 07951-722747 (PREFERABLE) OR 07921-545615

Monday 23 February 2009

Rocky road

Today saw 3 phone calls in quick succession, all about Rocky, it turned out - but reassuring that as soon as a black lab pops out on his own, people are switched on.
The Parcelforce man (caller no.2) had pinched one of our posters so he could keep driving but ring us at the same time!
Not sure if we should say something to Rocky's owner. It seems a bit unfair that people are going out of their way to react, when he really needs to keep the dog from wandering. Of course they're genuinely disappointed when I say "you mean near the scout camp? "yes" - Oh sorry that will be a dog belonging to a nearby house who's taken it into his head to wander lately. Other people are desperate to find our dog for us.
Tim went back to A42/A511 hotel and McDonald's the other day. Seems like a black labrador cross with a name tag saying "Mill Lane" has been hanging around, which may explain the sightings. We tried "mill lane" on various searches and the nearest we could find was around 10 miles away in 2 directions (Loughborough and Stoke Golding area). There was no match on any of the lost dog websites we could find, so we gave up. Bit frustrating - we sincerely hope there isn't a desperate owner out there who hasn't "blitzed" the internet and media like we have.
We have decided to relaunch adverts in the local press - Messengers, Leicester Mercury, Coalville / Hinckley / Coventry Times with the suggestion of "possibly stolen" in case he's sitting on someone's sofa being fed caviar (thanks Paula for putting more posters along the canal and telling us about Holly who went missing for a week and was found scoffing smoked salmon at someone's house!)
Ffion managed an hour in the garden yesterday and then Paul the farmer in his mid-20's who had turned up to cut our hedges, had to shift from foot to foot and look uncomfortable as he mentioned Sky, prompting yet another avalanche of tears. Poor Paul!
Meanwhile we cross fingers for Jon & Shelley with another possible sighting.

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