Thanks to everyone for you kind comments of sympathy and to pick us up.
This morning we reported the damage to Leics police and have a crime reference number etc. They were very helpful and supportive. We called Mr Dobson whose land we have the trap on, who was very sympathetic and hasn't asked us to move it. We may do, but at least we haven't upset him.
Current theories:
1. Is there hare coursing planned for this weekend? A week ago the camera caught someone aiming a gun away from the trap. At 16.37 yesterday 2 men in wellies were standing looking at the trap. We only have pictures from the thighs down.
2. Someone still thinks we are trapping badgers (remember we had the RSPCA call us a week ago because someone reported us thinking that we were)? We called the RSPCA to ensure that they clarify that we are not (if they had the caller ID which they don't in fact insist upon).
3. Is there someone who is an animal rights sympathiser or activist who doesn't realise that the whole point of the trap is to get Sky safe, away from dangerous roads and freezing nights, and the whole point of the camera is so we spot a captured wild animal straight away and can release it?
Anyway we will keep the camera away for a few days - Pete and Bren are being brilliant about checking the trap in between our visits.
The top photo is the last image caught last night - shows the lights of a vehicle which has just drawn up. Footprints of three men are in the snow circling around out of range of the camera and then across to do the damage.
The next photo of two men was at 16:37, no idea who they are.
The top image was caught last week - maybe we are getting in the way of some poaching.
The plot thickens! My friend just phoned and told me the latest blog news and I thought she had been looking at the wrong blog! I last looked at the blog myself at about 2ish after returning from a long walk over the fields around Green Lane - off the beaten track - but again . . . nothing. I had binoculars with me and it was such a clear afternoon anyway, I could see for miles.
ReplyDeleteThe image of the man with the rifle is most disconcerting. The clock says 14.59, I think, ON A SUNDAY! Who, in their right mind walks around in broad daylight pointing a rifle?
Strange goings on, indeed. Pity we can't have 24 hour surveillance on the area.
I know very little about it all but I have been wondering whether all the farmers and residents in the vacinity are aware of the situation, as Sky could have found himself a cosy barn or outhouse that no-one's seen him going in and out of. Are there any empty properties or ones 'To Let' that may have had unobservant or fleeting occupants, unaware of, or unconcerned about,a dog's movements? Are there any reclusive people in the area who may have taken him in and are not telling anybody?
The mind boggles, and I think about all the possiblities just as I'm dropping off at night. I, and I imagine, many others, would gladly help you to carry out a door to door exercise in the area, if you thought that might help. I don't know what else to suggest?
Let's hope tomorrow brings some positive developments and thank you for keeping us all informed through the blog - as if you haven't got enough to do!
I read on a Lost Dog web site earlier that it is not unusual for a lost dog to be reunited with its owners over a year after going missing, so we can all take comfort in that. Rachel & Charlie x
Thanks Rachel & Charlie.
ReplyDeleteIn answer to yours and several people's queries:
We think we've saturated the area in terms of publicity with a combination of media (radio, papers - Leic Mercury, Hinckley / Coalville / Coventry Times, all the freebies - Messenger, Gazette etc), then there's all the posters (countryside, pubs, village centre noticeboards), door to door flyers, word of mouth, door to door farms (all the ones with large amounts of land plus many smaller), land workers like the Council and pheasant keepers) and 600 flyers given out to the extent that straw polls of random strangers shows good awareness in a 10 mile radius.
To do any more we feel, may risk alienating people possibly.
Yes there are loads of barns and out-houses once you start looking, aren't there?! Most farmers know about Sky, but at this time of year aren't out and about as much as better weather. However after all this time, we'd have expected some kind of sighting.
Reclusive people is the hardest - if they have become attached (most people do to Sky within hours!) and they don't get visitors v often he could be hidden away. Still, you've got to take a dog out for a wee and a poo every day...?
He barks a lot when anyone goes past "his" house (within half an hour of visiting friends and family he does this) and we've been very alert to any barking. There are 2 places we've not pinned down. That's where volunteer help could come in useful.
Of course, if he's moved to a different territory then our saturation of the market, as it were, may not be as high. However you start thinking about that and struggle to see where to go with it and end up having to rely on the microchip and the fact someone someday might take him to a vet.
We're searching for the explanation for 3 weeks of no definite lead, 3 weeks of 15+ sightings plus information on those first few days, then 4 weeks with only 1 sighting.
Your last blog was most uplifting and opens new doors - fantastic news.
ReplyDeleteWith regard to your reply, I think you're absolutely right. Over saturation could alienate the very people you want on your side, so perhaps that avenue should be left alone for a while.
In your penultimate paragraph above you say "There are two places we've not pinned down. That's where volunteer help could come in useful." Please could you elaborate as we would love to help if we can.
Rachel and Charlie
My mobile (Charlie doesn't have one!) is:
ReplyDelete07720 789089 - as it would be quicker and easier to mobilise us this way, than through the blog, should you require troops/rinforcements out in the field, so to speak