Sky, our beloved Black Labrador, went missing on 1st December 2008. We have been trying very hard to find him, and have been overwhelmed by the number of neighbours, friends and complete strangers who have been offering help and support. With so many people helping we cannot make calls in person to keep everyone up to date with the search, so this blog is our way of letting everyone know what is happening. CONTACT NUMBERS FOR US ARE 07951-722747 (PREFERABLE) OR 07921-545615

Monday, 2 February 2009

Can we spot a black dog in a snowstorm?

Heroic efforts in the snowstorm by Tori today. She checked the feeding stations at 12:30, and the food was untouched. However at 4:30 both bowls had been licked clean (banana gone as well as the meat and tripe sticks). Some vague animal footprints, but was snowing so much that they were not clear. no human prints. I will set up a camera on one of the feeding stations tomorrow to see what we can record (this will not be on the web as it is more basic technology).

The trap has had no activity - the trap camera has been a bit temperamental, but is working most of the time. Even if you cannot see the images on the web we can usually get to see a picture, but if the images are uploading you will see them at

We are becoming more interested in a disused railway line that is about a mile north of the Green Lane - this dog must be going somewhere when it disappears from sight for days on end. It is rarely visited and has lots of good dens (old signal boxes etc). I plan to go there tomorrow and see if there are any tracks in the snow.

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